Unit news

Par catégorie:Recherche

Cat:836/189 from 836-Par catégorie/189-Recherche ===> 10

Read here all the unit news in french.

  • Industrial logging concessions have no impact on deforestation and forest degradation in the DRC

    Industrial logging concessions have no impact on deforestation and forest degradation in the DRC


    A recent study conducted in the Congo Basin, home to the world's second largest continuous tropical rainforest after the Amazon, finds no evidence that logging concessions in the DRC increase or decrease deforestation and forest degradation. The same study also shows that there is no evidence that logging concessions reduce deforestation in areas of high deforestation pressure.

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  • Agroforestry contributes to the well-being of rural populations in East Timor

    Agroforestry contributes to the well-being of rural populations in East Timor


    Many countries have integrated agroforestry into their sustainable development policies, particularly in Southeast Asia. In Timor-Leste, the national strategy for promoting agroforestry adopted a modern, technical approach focusing on crop rotation, intercropping and agro-sylvo-pastoralism. In so doing, it has largely overlooked the pre-existence, diversity and performance of traditional agroforestry systems (AFS). But what exactly are they? This is the question posed by Marguerite Cogné and Guillaume Lescuyer of the UPR Forêts et Sociétés.

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  • Ultraviolet light has no effect on the evolution of trees

    Ultraviolet light has no effect on the evolution of trees


    A study published in the journal PNAS reveals that the sun's UV rays are not the main driving force behind mutations in trees. Sylvain Schmitt is interviewed about this breakthrough in the France Culture morning show.

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  • Soil underpins the proper functioning of ecosystems: lessons from Côte d'Ivoire

    Soil underpins the proper functioning of ecosystems: lessons from Côte d'Ivoire


    Soil is more than just a support: it must be in good health if agricultural activities are to be established and survive. In Côte d'Ivoire, the Ministry of Agriculture has brought together farmers, political decision-makers and scientists to take practical action to ensure the sustainability of soil in West African forest landscapes. The participants put forward their recommendations on combating deforestation, reducing the use of pesticides and agroforestry.

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  • More than life traits, habitats explain the low co-occurrence of native and exotic birds on Réunion Island

    More than life traits, habitats explain the low co-occurrence of native and exotic birds on Réunion Island


    Which of life traits and ecosystems are most important in structuring the distribution of native and exotic birds within landscapes? This question has been addressed by a number of researchers familiar with landscape ecology and ornithology on Réunion Island.

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  • What are the criteria for "agroforestry cocoa" from Cameroon?

    What are the criteria for "agroforestry cocoa" from Cameroon?


    Agroforestry cocoa has been the subject of much debate in recent years, but this discussion is almost always based on experiences in West Africa. Other agroforestry practices exist, such as in Central Africa, which need to be better documented to illustrate and enhance the diversity of agroforestry cocoa.

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  • Improved monitoring of the spatio-temporal diversity of mangrove trees and distribution patterns

    Improved monitoring of the spatio-temporal diversity of mangrove trees and distribution patterns


    Spatio-temporal information on species assemblages in natural, disturbed and rehabilitated mangroves is an essential prerequisite for effective biodiversity conservation and management strategies. However, appropriate sampling strategies in the field due to spatial heterogeneity still hamper the detection of species distribution and temporal evolution. An increasing amount of remote sensing data seems to be the ideal way of meeting these challenges.

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  • Life after fire - Long-term responses of 20 timber species in semi-deciduous forests of West Africa

    Life after fire: long-term responses of 20 timber species in the semi-deciduous forests of West Africa


    Understanding the response of commercial tree species to fire is essential for designing sustainable forest management strategies in West Africa. In this area of heavy deforestation for agriculture, semi-deciduous tropical forests have been reduced to a trickle over the last 50 years, and are now subject not only to logging but also to increasingly frequent fires.

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  • Invasion du sous-bois de la forêt semi-décidue de Téné (Côte d’Ivoire) par l’espèce non-native Cedrela odorata. © B. Hérault, Cirad

    A trio working together: fires, forestry and biological invasions


    The semi-deciduous forests of West Africa, faced with multiple disturbances linked to human activities in an interdependent manner, are the focus of a new study published in Biological Conservation by the Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouët-Boigny, CIRAD and Wageningen University. The study reveals the long-term consequences of grouped disturbances such as fires, logging and biological invasions on these ecosystems.

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  • A systematic study of the scope and patterns of green consumption in sub-Saharan Africa

    A systematic study of the scope and patterns of green consumption in sub-Saharan Africa


    Despite the importance of 'green consumption', it has received little attention in sub-Saharan Africa. To fill this gap, a systematic review of the scientific literature was conducted on green consumption patterns in this region, using three parameters: green consumption, behaviour and location.

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Nombre de pages : 2
Nombre éléments : 19
Page courante : 1